Architectural & Documentary Photo Productions

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03/06/2020 — Kadon Church

The New #Church of the Parish of Kadon is a symbol for a vibrant community. Situated on top of a hill in the southern province of Lam Dong in #Vietnam it creates a sacred place with a simple architectural gesture. A plainly shaped #roof inspired by the local vernacular and materials such as #wood and iron enhance the building's relationship with nature and the opening of the sacred space outwards.

My friends at vn-a architects wrote their thesis on this project and then, with a number of dedicated professors at @TechnischeUniveristätBerlin, they were able to build it. In 2016 the project was awarded second prize at the International Prize for Sacred Architecture. I documented the church along its consecration in 2014.

All images © Robert Herrmann 2013 - 2023 — — mobile +49 1520 26 15 446  — imprint/privacy