Architectural & Documentary Photo Productions

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1 天安门 (Tian'anmen), 2014 | 2 故宮东门外 (Gu Gong Dong Men Wai), 2014 | 3 天安门 (Tian'anmen), 2014 | 4  人民英雄纪念碑 (Monument to the People's Heroes), 2014 |  5 天安门 (Tian'anmen), 2014 | 6 Galaxy Soho, 2014 | 7 大方家胡同 (Dafangjia Hutong), 2014 | 8 东二环路 (Eastern 2nd Ring Road), 2014 | 9 奥体中心体育场 (Olympic Sports Center), 2014 | 10 北京站 (Beijing Railway Station), 2014 | 11 中央电视台总部大楼 (CCTV Headquarters), 2014 | 12 北海公园 (Beihai Park), 2014

All images © Robert Herrmann 2013 - 2023 — — mobile +49 1520 26 15 446  — imprint/privacy